Hiring Norley Hall Community Centre

Booking Requests
All booking request or enquiries about hiring Norley Hall Community Centre should go through
A booking form must be filled our and sent before we can agree a booking.
Room Hire Pricing
All prices are inclusive of use of kettle, crockery, cutlery, microwave, chairs and tables. We may offer separate prices for bespoke bookings which will vary by booking.
Bookings will only be confirmed once booking form is completed and you have received a confirmation email from us. All one-off bookings will be expected to pay in full not later than 2 weeks before the event.
Additional charges are applied for;
Heating - £15 p/h
Use of Cooker - £7.50 p/h
Gazebo (3mx3m) £15
Internet £10 per booking
If we deem that the hall has not been left in a clean and tidy state after your use we may charge you a clean up fee of £15. To ensure this isn't necessary please switch off all lights, check toilets are flushed, cutlery and crockery are washed and left on draining board and all rubbish is either in bin bags or taken away.